Natural product Life-extension therapy: Bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen), a natural psoralen derivative present in many fruits and vegetables, inhibits the expression of Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (p70S6 Kinase) and extends mammalian life span via up regulation of its target gene, 2/October/2016, 8.00 am

On the eve of Mahatma Gandhi Birth Anniversary ********* We wish everyone a happy Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 2016. On this special occasion, we are happy to announce that Ideas posted today (02/October/2016) will be available to the use of Scientists/Professors/Physicians/Researchers for free. So, there will be no terms and conditions for the ideas posted today (02/October/2016). Each idea posted will be served first come, first served basis. For more details, you […]

Anti-telomerase cancer therapy: MIR-138-3p suppresses the expression of Tripeptidyl Peptidase 1 (TPP1) and inhibits cancer progression via down regulation of its target gene, 2/October/2016, 7.20 am

On the eve of Mahatma Gandhi Birth Anniversary ********* We wish everyone a happy Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti 2016. On this special occasion, we are happy to announce that Ideas posted today (02/October/2016) will be available to the use of Scientists/Professors/Physicians/Researchers for free. So, there will be no terms and conditions for the ideas posted today (02/October/2016). Each idea posted will be served first come, first served basis. For more details, you […]