Amino acid-based Regenerative therapy for muscle atrophy: L-Arginine, a non-essential amino acid, increases the expression of IGF-1, PI3K(p85a) and B-Myb, decreases the expression of tumor suppressors, promotes regeneration of muscle cells, and reverses muscle atrophy via up regulation of its target gene, 25/February/2017, 11.46 pm

Activation of the PD-1 pathway for Pain therapy: A therapeutic mix encompassing tramadol and ketamine increases the expression of PD-L1, attenuates acutes and chronic pain, and suppresses mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity and inhibits nociceptive neuron excitability via up-regulation of its target gene, 25/February/2017, 10.43 pm
February 25, 2018
Vitamin-/amino acid-based therapy for glucose homeostasis and TIIDM: A pharmaceutical mixture encompassing L-Arginine and Pyridoxamine increases Pax6 and insulin expression, decreases the levels of glucagon, ghrelin and Somatostatin, reduces metabolic stress, improves insulin sensitivity, promotes glucose homeostasis and prevents progression to TIIDM via down regulation of its target gene, 27/February/2018, 12.49 pm
February 27, 2018

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