An olive oil way to enhance learning, memory, cognition and longevity: Oleic acid as a learning/memory/cognitive/longevity-enhancer: Oleic acid, isolated from olive oil and others, increases Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP2) levels, improves cognition, and decreases age-associated decline in memory and learning, via down regulation of its target genes, 29/June/2018, 10.24 am
An olive oil way to enhance learning, memory, cognition and longevity: Oleic acid as a learning/memory/cognitive/longevity-enhancer: Oleic acid, isolated from olive oil and others, increases Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP2) levels, improves cognition, and decreases age-associated decline in memory and learning, via down regulation of its target genes, 29/June/2018, 10.24 am
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