Bio-Medical Ideas-7,900+

Bio–Medical/ Pharma/Therapeutic/Clinica Ideas–7,800+

Reaching a milestone of 7,800+ Bio-medical/therapeutic/clinical/pharma ideas–What this means to the Bio-Medical/Pharma/Clinical World?

Before we go into the details of this achievement/milestone, let us have a closer look at what a scientist/professor/researcher does in a research centre or in a university?

* Joins a research centre or a university with a few publications

* Decides the main theme of research or provides direction of research

* Oversees a team of researchers, including Junior Scientists, Post-doctoral fellows (PDFs), PhD students etc.

* Reads the literature and comes up with ideas

* Provides ideas to students, PDFs, & junior scientists; and shares his/her technical expertise

* Conducts regular lab meetings to brain storm results; and to get new ideas from the team members for further progress

* Writes grants, research papers, articles, and patent applications

* Attends scientific meetings to (1) find out how the field progresses; (2) present results; (3) give talks; and (4) gather ideas from peers

* Professors in typical state universities contribute more to the training of students for a research career than doing pure research.

* Takes up administrative positions

* At the end of 25 to 35 years, publishes anywhere from 50 to 870 articles

* At the end of his carrier, his/her contribution to the science is as follows:

     *   Came up with a series of ideas and thereby contributed to the development of a chosen field by publishing a number of research papers in scientific journals

      *   Provided scientific training to his/her students

  * Some of the  great and extraordinary minded research scientists/professors see their research translated into a medical/medicinal product

* Finally, his/her contribution to science is nothing but the ideas/research papers he has developed/published in the chosen field, which is in the range of 50 to 870 in a career spanning for about 25 to 35 years.  Globally, even the best scientific minds or renowned scientists/professors, including Nobel laureates, have not published more than 870 articles in biology (refer below for details#) as of May, 2015.  This translates to about870 bio-medical ideas backed by experimental evidences. Established scientists’ contribution to science mainly limit to the level of giving ideas to researchers (lab members also aid in idea development), interpreting results, and polishing manuscripts. And, not doing any wet lab work, as biological/biochemical technique one’s mastered, there is not much to learn from it for the experienced scientists/professors. What one needs is a pair of hands to carry out most of the biological techniques. Moreover, biological techniques are merely repetitive in nature, not much brain work involved. That is why, most of the experienced scientists/professors do not carry out the research techniques by themselves, but they let the junior researchers to carry out the biochemical techniques. Mostly, experienced scientists/professors prefer to serve as think tanks, as thinking process is constantly evolving and intellectually challenging.

* Our idea generating model makes sure that each idea proposed/posted/published is based on scientific evidence.  Interestingly, most of the experienced scientist/professors do not read more than the title/abstract of the research papers published in journals, unless they decide to closely follow the findings of the research paper. Given that message of the research article is conveyed in the title or abstract itself, this should not be surprising. Writing full articles does not mean that one has become more creative or he/she is creative, as introduction, methods, results sections do not involve much creativity. A scientist is assessed mainly in the discussion section, where he/she gets a chance to present his/her interpretative and innovative mind. Mostly, introduction, methods, results sections are written by junior researchers, while senior researchers/principle investigators would play a significant role in shaping the discussion section to the perfection.

* We do not post any idea/information without any scientific evidence/literature support. Given this, nearly 100% of ideas/information will turn out to be true. However, one has to understand that gene expression may vary from one cell/tissue to another. Therefore,among the 7,800 ideas published (as of June, 2015), even if 90% of ideas turns out to be true, then ~7,020 ideas (~equivalent to 7,020 research papers) will turn out to be true.

* Prof Stephen M. Kosslyn from Harvard University, Boston, USA, describes the authorship credit ( “Without the idea, nothing else happens. If the idea grew out of a discussion, all who contributed get credit–but perhaps not equally so, if one or more people were primarily responsible for the insights leading to the best way to pose the question to be answered by the research and the logic of the design, then the idea provider deserves 25 out of 100 scale for the each idea he/she proposes.” As stated earlier, an ordinary professor/scientist in Biological sciences contributes about 50 articles (50×25=equivalent to about 1,250 points) in his life-time, while an extraordinary professor/scientist (including noble laureates) contributes about 870 articles (870 x 25=equivalent to about 21,750 points) in his/her life-time. If the senior/corresponding authors earn points for writing up the article (25) plus providing the ideas (25) for the experimental work, then they earn about 43,500 points (870×50= 43,500). As stated earlier, if ~7,020  ideas (equivalent to about 7,020  research papers) posted by Dr L Boominathan turn out to be true, then Dr L Boominathan will earn about 1, 45500 points [7,020 x 25 (as of June, 2015)]. Given the details of assessment and the point by point explanations, it would not be difficult to assess  Dr L Boominathan’s contribution to Science using the universal/global scale given above.

* Every idea published at  is based on scientific evidence. Each idea has substance to be published as an abstract with a supporting model plus references. Each idea published at can be republished as a research paper with more experimental evidence in scientific journals; and can also be patented.  So far, Dr L Boominathan, Founder Director-cum-Chief Scientist of GBMD, has published more than 7,500+ bio-medical/therapeutic/pharma/clinical ideas.  This means, what was published at website form the basis of 7,500+ bio-medical research manuscripts/PhD dissertations.  Each idea posted can be a topic of further research or topic of research thesis submitted for other higher degrees (eg. M.D, M.Tech. etc.) or topic of post doctoral research. Moreover, some of the ideas (1) published/revealed for first time in the world would open up a new area of research; and (2) aid in drug discovery development(  Each idea posted can be a basis of a grant application or part of a grant application or a patent application. In conclusion, this achievement is certainly a praise worthy one at the global level.  To the best of our knowledge, no scientist in the world has contributed to the development of 7,800+ bio-medical ideas (as of June, 2015). Moreover, we have followed the research work published by Nobel laureates Profs. Schekman Randy, Sudhof C Thomas, Shinya Yamanaka (2012), Gurdon JB (2012), Phil Sharp (1993), David Baltimore (1978), Elizabeth H. Blackburn (2009), Carol W Greider (2009), Ferid M (1998), Ignarro LJ (1998), Beutler A Bruce (2011), Bishop JM (1989) & Harold E. Varmus and published ideas (>180 ideas, as of March, 2015) related to their research works (

Evidently, this  site has audiences from—premier research institutions such as Harvard, Caltech, MIT, Broad Institute, MGH, National Institute of Health, Yale, Stanford, Cold spring, Salk Institute, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute,  Johns Hopkins Medicine, Princeton University, University of California-San Francisco,  –San Diego, -Los Angeles, University of Southern California, National Cancer Institute/Frederick Cancer Research; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Cornell, Columbia, The Scripps Research Institute,  MD Anderson cancer center, Baylor college of medicine, Mayo clinic,  Affematrix, University of Buffalo, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Texas medical center, Texas A & M University, Texas A & M University System Health Science Center, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; University of Louisvillie, University Of Pennsylvania; The university of North Carolina, University of Maryland, Michigan State university, North Carolina Research and Education Network; Duke University; University of Michigan, Temple University, University Of South Florida; Emory University, Univeristy of Chicago, The children’s hosbital of chicago, Medical University of South Carolina, Medical College Of Georgia, Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, The George Washington University, Washington university in Saint Louis, Cornell University; Vanderbuilt University, University of Louiciana, Southern Illinois University, Thomas Jefferson University; University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Illinois, Wright university, The Rockefeller university, University of Utah, University of Colorado; Ohio State university, Boston University, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jercy, Cincinnati childrens, Rush University Medical Center, The University of Tennessee Health Science center, University of Minnesota; North Carolina State university; Colgate university; Central Texas college; Drexel university college of medicine; Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Baylor Health Care system, New York university; University of Arkansas; University of South Florida; Carolinas Healthcare System; University of Virginia, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; Trinity Health – Livonia, Michigan, Rice University; Yale-New Haven Health Services Corporation; University of Michigan Medical Center; Tulane University(New Orleans); University of Kansas Medical Center; Rush University Medical Center(Chicago); Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Indiana university; National Institute of Environmental Health Science; St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Southern Illinois university; Northwestern university, The City university of Newyork, Rutgers university; Westchester Medical Center; University of Mississippi Medical Center; H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute;  Virginia Commonwealth University; Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College and Grad; Oregon Health & Science University; Children’s Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati; Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center; Morehouse School of Medicine (Atlanta); University Center at Tulsa; University Of Illinois College Of Medicine At Peor; Claremont University Consortium; Janelia; Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center; Astrazeneca; Genentech; Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (USA); Cambridge university, Oxford university, The Babraham Institute; Edinburgh University, Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, London, Imperia College London, Univeristy of Leicester, University of Leeds, Queen Mary University of London, University of Glasco, University College London, University of Sussex; The University of Nottingham; The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center; Queen Mary and Westfield College; University of Manchester; University of London; University of Huddersfield; University of Liverpool; University of Birmingham; University of Newcastle; Kings college of London; Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London ; Queen Mary University of London; University of Bradford (UK); Toronto university; McGill University; The University of British Columbia; Center for eHealth Innovation; Ottawa Hospital; Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals; University of Ottawa; Universite Laval; Dalhousie University; University of Montreal; Universite Laval; Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (Canada), FMI, Zurich and Basel universities; The network of Universita della Svizzera italiana; Ecole Polytechnioue Federake De Lausanne; Acetelion, Basel; ETH, Zurich; F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Switzerland); Institut Pasteur, Institut Curie,INSERM, University of Strasberg, University of Ruven, EPFL, University Paris Sud, University nice Sophia Antipolis; Paris VII Denis Diderot University; RRM-Reseau de la Recherche a Marseille (France); Regina Elena National Intstitute for Cancer Treatment and Research; University of Rome Tor Vergata; University Degli Studi Di Perugia; International center for Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology; Universita di Napoli Federico II; GARR Italian Research and Academic Network; Instituto Europeo Di Oncologia Srl; Universita’ degli Studi di Verona; Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (Italy);University of Heidelberg; Rostock University Medical School, University of Rostock, University of Marburg, Fritz Lippman Institute, University of gottingen, Rawthaachen University, University of bonn, University of Freiburg, Hannover Medical School; Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg; Merck; Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt; Gemeinsames Netzwerkzentrum Fritz Haber Institut; Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg; Universitaet Wuerzburg (Germany); Karolinska Institute, Lund University, Goteborg University; Uppsala University; Umea University; Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden); Osaka; Kyoto; Chiba; Sendai Universities; Tokyo Medical and Dental university; National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry; RIKEN (Physical and Chemical Research Institute); Gifu University; Saitama University; Kagoshima University; Hokkaido University; Aids Clinical Center (Japan); Seoul National university, Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Ajou University, Kangwon National university, Yonsei university; GyeongSang National University; Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Science; Chung-ang University (Korea); Spnanish National Cancer Research Cetner, Center for Genomic Regulation, University de leon, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones; Universidad del Pais Vasco / Euskal Herriko Uniber; Universitat de Barcelona (Spain); The University of Hong Kong; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; The Hong Kong university of Science & Technology(Hong Kong); Weizmann Institute of Science; Tel aviv University; Hebrew university (Israel); National Health Research Institute(Taiwan); University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland (Poland); China Science & Technology Network; Shanghai Medical University (China); Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium); Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina); Rikshospitalet HF, University hospital (Norway); Universite de Liege (ULg); Research network University of Ghent(Belgium); Universidade Estadual Paulista; Universidade Federal De Sao Paulo; Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brazil); University of Athens (Greece); Australian National University; University of New South Wales; Monash University; Baker Medical Research Institute; The university of Adelaide; Flinders University (Australia); National University of Singapore, A Star, National Technological university, National Cancer Center; Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (Singapore) and IITs, IISc, AIIMS, JNU, CMC, and National Knowledge Network (NKN); Piramal Life Sciences (India) etc — more than 100 international countries , suggesting that the Genome-2-Bio-Medicine Discovery Center (GBMD) has reached the “Global standards” to receive “Global recognition.( (verifiable data derived from CQ counter & the Google Analytics)


Baltimore D* (647), Bishop JM* (518), Sharp PA* (423), Varmus H* (412), Watson JD* (384), Khorana HG* (382), Ciechanover A* (204), Roger D Kornberg*(229), Aaron Klug* (237), Steinman RM* (462) Beutler B* (223), Hoffmann J* (52), Cech T*  (313), Blackburn EH* (204), Greider CW* (94), Brenner S* (208), Nurse P* (293), Gilman AG* ( 214), Mullis K* (31), Barbara McClintock* (20), Schally Va* (33), Guillemin R* (20) , Tonegawa S* (73), Buck LB* (50), Mello* CC (71), Hartwell LH* (89), Smithies O* (83), Fire A* (129), Gilbert W* (~100), Crick F* (88), Hunt* T (93), Sanger F*(90), Ramakrishnan V* (103), Yonath A* (122), Yamanaka S* (369), Pauling L* (229), Sudhof TC* (475), Rothman JE* (227), Schekman RW* (257); Ferid M* (363); Ignarro LJ* (330); Furchgott RF* (85), Marshall BJ* (125),  O’Keefe J* (90),  Moser I Edward* (94 ), May-Britt Moser* ( 59)  etc.

*-Nobel laureate ;

The total no. of papers published by them is indicated within brackets

Hunter T (861), Langer R (751), Kahn  CR (619), Nahum Sonenberg (542), Lodesh H (526), Karin M (508), Jaenisch R (494), Young RA (489), Vogelstein B (468), Mak TW (400), Melino G (444), Water SF (428), Weinberg RA (375), Schreiber SL (395), Verma IM (384), Malhotra V (386), Lane DP (364), Pandolfi PP (375), Dixit VM (274), Levine AJ (211), Oren M (337), Wagner EF (303), Sabatini D (321), Jacks T (319), Lander ES (319), Kirschner MW (245), Rotter v (249), Prives c (216), Weissman IL (316), Steiz JA (288), Maniatis T (280), Kufe DD (266), Sherr CJ (269), Clevers H (233), Alt FW (253), Melino G (286), Blasco M (227), Beach D (349), Cantley LC (212), Bernards R (201), Barbacid M (255), Dimmler S (367), Olson EN (429), Zoghbi H (308), Manley JL (289), Modlin RL (279), Blagosklonny MV (220), Hall MN (230), Green DR (268), Elledge SJ (271), DePinho RA (346), Hynes R (358), Nishida E (414), Caligiuri MA (354), Leonard P. Guarente (257), Partridge L (367), Sarkar FH (498), Accili D (269), Smyth MJ (367), Lozano G (289), Aggarwal BB (560) etc. (verifiable data derived from Pubmed) (the list is not complete, if you believe your name merits mention here, then write to us at

Last but not least, it may be worth while here to recall the statement made by Berly Lieff (a science writter from the online journal Science Careers), “Measuring productivity by counting the papers a researcher produces may not truly reflect his or her impact on the advancement of knowledge. Letting the best minds loose on new problems and new fields in many cases is what it takes to move science forward.”  This is precisely what Dr L Boominathan has done by starting an innovative bio-centre called “Genome-2-Bio-medical discovery centre (GBMD)”. Needless to say the 7, 500 + bio-medical/therapeutic/pharma/clinical ideas that Dr L Boominathan had posted serving as arichest resource to the international bio-medical/science/pharma/clinical community.


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