Combinatorial therapy for Metastatic cancers: A pharmaceutical mixture encompassing Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Aspirin (ASA)   increases the expression of tumor/metastatic suppressors BigH3 and TIPE2, inhibits cell cycle progression, and suppresses migration, invasion and metastasis of cancer cells via up regulation of its target gene, 23/February/2018, 6.07 am

Amino acid-based therapy for diabetes (TIDM): D-Serine increases GLP1R and Caveolin-1 (CAV-1) expression, promotes glucose-induced insulin secretion, improves insulin sensitivity, increases energy utilization, promotes weight loss and protects from diet-induced obesity and TIIDM via up regulation of its target gene, 22/February/2018, 12.36 am
February 21, 2018
Regenerative therapy for regaining the lost cardiomyocytes in Myocardial patients: A pharmaceutical mixture encompassing  Pyridoxamine and L-Arginine   increases the expression of ERBB2/Her2 and promotes dedifferentiation  of cardiomyocytes via down regulation of its target gene, 23/February/2018, 6.17 am
February 23, 2018

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