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A recent study from the Institute for Cardiovascular Regeneration, Centre of Molecular Medicine, Frankfurt, Germany shows that “MicroRNA-34a regulates cardiac ageing and function.” This study was published in the March 7  2013 Nature  by Prof Dimmler, Boon, and others.

On the foundation of this interesting finding, Dr L Boominathan PhD, Director-cum-chief Scientist of GBMD, reports that: Massage therapy for ageing-related cardiac diseases:  Massage improves myocardial function  and inhibits cardiac ageing via up regulation of PNUTS/ PPP1R10 (Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 10).  Massage, by increasing the expression of PNUTS/PPP1R10 in cardiomyocytes, it may: (1) improve cardiac function after myocardial infarction; (2) and  prevent ageing/stress-associated decline in cardiac function. Together, this study reinforces the notion–with a detailed mechanistic basis–that massage therapy may be used as an adjuvant therapy for cardiac patients. Therefore, physicians may consider recommending their cardiac patients to under go massage therapy. 

Idea Proposed/Formulated byDr L Boominathan Ph.D.

Web: http://genomediscovery.org

Undisclosed information: How massage therapy increases the expression of PNUTS/PPP1R10 

Amount: $500

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To citeBoominathan, Massage therapy for ageing-related cardiac diseases:  Massage improves myocardial function  and inhibits cardiac ageing via down regulation of miR-34a & up regulation of PNUTS/ PPP1R10 (Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 10), 28/January/2014,  9.56 am,  Genome-2-Bio-Medicine Discovery center (GBMD), http://genomediscovery.org

Courtesy: When you cite drop us a line at info@genomediscovery.org

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