Molecular therapy for tuberculosis: Triclosan, an antibacterial and antifungal agent found commonly in toothpastes, soaps, among others, deacetylates RelA/p65, inhibits inflammatory gene expression downstream of RelA/p65, inhibits TB pathogenesis, increases the efficacy of anti-TB drug, and promotes M. tuberculosis clearance via up regulation of its target gene, 2/March/2018, 8.06 am

Polyamine-based Lifespan extension therapy:  Spermidine increases life span via up-regulation of its target gene BubR1, 2/March/2018, 7.55 am
March 2, 2018
Polyamine-based therapy for anxiety and depression:  Spermine, a natural polyamine, decreases PHF8 levels, increases the expression of serotonin receptors Htr1a and Htr2a, and promotes resistance to stress-induced -anxiety and -depression via down regulation of its target gene, 2/March/2018, 8.13 am
March 2, 2018

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