Vitamin-based therapy for glucose homeostasis and TIIDM: A pharmaceutical mixture encompassing Pyridoxamine and Sulforaphane increases Pax6 and insulin expression, decreases the levels of glucagon, ghrelin and Somatostatin, reduces metabolic stress, improves insulin sensitivity, promotes glucose homeostasis and prevents progression to TIIDM via down regulation of its target gene, 16/February/2018, 6.48 am

Combinatorial therapy for Myocardial Infarction:  A pharmaceutical mixture encompassing Pyridoxamine (PM, Vit-B6) and Sildenafil  inhibits DNA damage responses, induces telomerase expression, inhibits telomere shortening, and promotes cardiomyocyte survival after myocardial infarction via up regulation of PNUTS, 16/February/2018, 6.42 am
February 16, 2018
Molecular therapy for ageing-associated diseases and Lifespan extension: Rolipram, an experimental drug used in the treatment of depression and others, increases NMN/NAD levels, decreases interaction of DBC1 with PARP1, increases PARP1 activity, promotes DNA repair, augments tolerance against radiation, cancer and aging via down regulation of its target gene, 16/February/2018, 7.01 am
February 16, 2018

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