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Idea Proposed byDr L Boominathan Ph.D.

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To citeBoominathan, The CXCR4-let-7-HMGA2 axis plays a role in the self-renewal of haematopoietic stem cells, 19/July/2013, 11.44 amhttp://genomediscovery.org
Pregnancy pillows come in many shapes and sizes, from a wedge to a U-shaped body pillow. Here are the best maternity body pillows to help you sleep better. … Most Versatile Pregnancy Pillow : Boppy Multi-Use Total Body Pillow. Best U shaped pregnancy pillows read here – U shaped body pillow helps support your back, hips, knees, neck, and head to help ease discomfort associated with pregnancy, sciatica, fibromyalgia, gastric reflux, and more. The pregnancy pillow features a detachable extension that can be used as its own full body pillow, or attached the main body pillow for additional back or belly support,

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