Amino acid-based therapy for anxiety and depression:  Tryptophan, an essential amino acid and precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin and the sleeping hormone melatonin, decreases PHF8 levels, increases the expression of serotonin receptors Htr1a and Htr2a, and promotes resistance to stress-induced -anxiety and -depression via down regulation of its target gene, 20/March/2018, 10.06 pm

 Sugar-based anti-infective Therapy: D-Allose, an aldohexose sugar, inhibits Hepatitis-B/C, Dengue, Zika, Ebola, HIV-1, Mtb, Malaria, CMV, Influenza H1NI1,  respiratory syncytial,  Sindbis, and SFV viruses by increasing the Levels of the antiviral Proteins IFITM3, & Interferon-stimulated gene 15, 18/March/2018,  11.36 pm
March 18, 2018
Antiviral therapy against Neuroinvasive West Nile virus: Ritonavir, an anti-viral drug, increases the expression of RIPK3, promotes chemokines production, inhibits neuroinflammation, and restricts neuroinvasive West Nile virus production and pathogenesis in neurons via up regulation of its target gene, 20/March/2018, 10.18 pm
March 20, 2018

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