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Introduction: What they say

A study from the Department of Molecular Therapeutics, The Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, Florida 33458, USA shows that “Regulation of circadian behaviour and metabolism by synthetic REV-ERB agonists.” This research paper was published, in the 29 March 2012 issue of the journal “Nature” [One of the best research journals in Science with an I.F of 43 plus], by Prof.Burris TP, Solt LA and others.

What we say:

On the foundation of this interesting finding, Dr L Boominathan PhD, Director-cum-chief Scientist of GBMD, reports that: Molecular therapy for body weight control, energy homeostasis and TIIDM: D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB) increases REV-ERB and its down stream target genes, inhibits lipid accumulation, improves dyslipidemia and insulin sensitivity, increases energy utilization, promotes weight loss and protects from diet-induced obesity and TIIDM via up regulation of its target gene

From significance of the study to public health relevance:

Given that: (1) more than half a billion adults are obese worldwide ; (2) obesity is more prevalent in western countries than in asian countries; (3) obesity results in deregulated blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin sensitivity; and the risks of coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke and TII diabetes mellitus(TIIDM) increase ; (4) more than 422 million people worldwide are affected by Diabetes mellitus (DM); (5) Diabetes is going to be one of the top 10 causes of death by 2030; (6) the life-long painful injection/drug treatment is required to treat DM; and  (7) the global economic cost spent for diabetes treatment in 2014 was little more than 600 billion US dollars, there is an urgent need to find: (i) a way to induce regeneration of adult ß-cells that were lost in DM; (ii) a cheaper alternative to the existing expensive weight-loss drugs; (iii) a side-effect-free natural product-based drug; and (iv) a way to cure, not just treat, obesity-associated diseases, including diabetes.

What is known?

Prof.Burris’s research team has recently shown that administration of REV-ERB ligands:(1) regulates circadian behaviour and the circadian pattern of core clock gene;(2) alters the circadian pattern of expression of metabolic genes in liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue; (3) increases energy expenditure; (4) inhibits lipid accumulation; (4) decreases obesity; (5) improves dyslipidemia; and (6) reduces hyperglycaemia, suggesting that increasing the expression of REV-ERB may promote weight loss, augment insulin sensitivity, improve dyslipidemia and alleviate Obesity-associated TIIDM.

From research findings to Therapeutic opportunity:

D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB), by increasing the expression of its target gene, it may increase the expression of REV-ERB. Thereby, it may: (1) normalize circadian pattern of metabolic genes; (2) augment energy expenditure; (3) inhibit lipid accumulation; (4) promote weight loss; (5) ameliorate dyslipidemia; and (6) inhibit hyperglycemia (Fig.1). Thus, pharmacological formulations encompassing “D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB) or its analogues, either alone or in combination with other drugs” may be used:(i) as a weight-loss medication; (ii) to treat Obesity-associated TIIDM; (iii) to treat sleep disorders (Fig.2).

Figure 1. Mechanistic insights into how D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB) attenuates metabolic disease and obesity-associated TIIDM through up regulation of REV-ERB
Figure 2. The chemical structure of D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB). D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB) promotes weight loss and attenuates metabolic disease through induction of Rev-ERB.Details of the research findings:

Details of the research findings: 

Idea Proposed/Formulated (with experimental evidence) by: Dr L Boominathan Ph.D.

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Undisclosed mechanistic information: How does D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB) increase the expression of REV-ERB to promote Weight loss?

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Citation: Boominathan, L.,  Molecular therapy for body weight control, energy homeostasis and TIIDM: D-β-Hydroxybutyrate (D-βHB) increases REV-ERB and its down stream target genes, inhibits lipid accumulation, improves dyslipidemia and insulin sensitivity, increases energy utilization, promotes weight loss and protects from diet-induced obesity and TIIDM via up regulation of its target gene, 6/February/2018, 6.58 am, Genome-2-Bio-Medicine Discovery center (GBMD), http://genomediscovery.org

Courtesy: When you cite, drop us a line at info@genomediscovery.org




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