TB vaccine comes to rescue of blood sugar disease: Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccine-based regenerative therapy for reversing diabetes: TB-BCG vaccine increases the expression of Sox17, Sox2, Pdx-1, and Ngn3, decreases mTOR expression, promotes regeneration of insulin-producing ß cells, increases insulin secretion, promotes glucose homeostasis and reverses T1D and T2D, via down regulation of its target gene, 6/July/2018, 10.30 pm
TB vaccine comes to rescue of blood sugar disease: Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccine-based regenerative therapy for reversing diabetes: TB-BCG vaccine increases the expression of Sox17, Sox2, Pdx-1, and Ngn3, decreases mTOR expression, promotes regeneration of insulin-producing ß cells, increases insulin secretion, promotes glucose homeostasis and reverses T1D and T2D, via down regulation of its target gene, 6/July/2018, 10.30 pm
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