Dr Boominathan’s Quotes

Dr Boominathan’s Quotes

Dr Boominathan’s quotes on Science


Science is not about how to follow the conventions, but about how not to follow the conventions

                                                                 Dr L. Boominathan PhD


Noble scientists breathe-in Science and breath-out Science

                                                       Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Why, what, and How is the mother of invention

                                                     Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

One needs to be inspired to be inventive

                                                             Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

If Physicians are semi-Gods, then Scientists are real-Gods

                                                             Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Quantity of publications does not make you a good scientist, but Quality of publications does

                                                             Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

If you love science, learn to apply the principles of Science in a day-to-day life and trust the principles of Science, then you will live longer

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Science is sacred wherein sages do not look for holes

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

 Science is holy wherein an intellect does not search for holes

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Body= source; Health =resource

Your body is your source

Your health is your resource

Never compromise on your source or resource

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Festival celebration

Let your festival celebration not be the cause of concern to the environmentalists

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Another name for good Scientists is Truth-seekers

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Everyone is unique in this world.  No two individuals are equal, both genetically and mentally

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Having a thick skin helps you to keep your epinephrine and nor-epinephrine levels low, while serotonin and endorphins levels high.

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Superstition versus Environment 

Let your ritual not make the world dirtier

Dr L Boominathan PhD



There is not much difference between stealing and using someone’s hard work/idea without giving credit. And, a conscientious mind will always feel guilty of using someone’s idea/hard work without giving credit. 

 Dr L Boominathan PhD


Value of Ideas

Ideas form the cornerstone of scientific progress, advancement and success

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Healthy mind

Healthy mind generates healthy ideas

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Purity in Mind

It is easier to achieve physical purity, but it is difficult to achieve mental purity

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Frustrated mind

Frustrated mind is an error prone-mind

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Fair mind

Fair minds know what equates to what, while unfair minds do not

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Inventive Mind

Inspired/Inventive mind rarely feels lethargic

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Different States of Mind in reaching their target

Depressed mind never reaches its target

Deviated mind never reaches its target

Disturbed mind never reaches its target

Distracted mind never reaches its target

Illusioned mind never reaches its target

Confused mind never reaches its target

Wandering mind never reaches its target 

Vacillating mind never reaches its target

            It is only the determined mind which reaches its target                    

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Sympathetic mind versus unsympathetic mind

When a poor man steals you look at him with a sympathetic mind, while when a rich man steals you look at him with an unsympathetic mind

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


One can give hundreds to thousands of advises, but it is only the fair mind/humble mind/receptive mind/repentive mind/responsible mind/serious mind/philanthropic
mind/non-egoistic mind will heed to one’s advises sincerely and make appropriate changes in regulations or his/her character for good.

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

A Protein or gene does not recognize another protein or gene by its name, but by its amino/nucleic acid sequence, three-dimensional structure, and the modification it has undergone.  Perhaps, it understands that names given by Scientists are misnomers!

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



One can generate ideas by scanning the literature in the background of one’s
knowledge; and by seeking answers to the unanswered questions

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


An idea looks simple when it is in the final form, but one can understand the pain
only when he/she tries to formulate one on his/her own

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Idea formulation is a tedious process, as it requires (i) scanning
the literature/concerned area in depth; (ii) intense thinking; and (iii) making
appropriate/meaningful connection/co-relation in the right direction

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Science is possessive

Science is so possessive that it leaves little room to do anything else other than itself

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Scientist’s priority

Good scientist’s priority is to come up with inventions, not to do routine things

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Knowledge in the right direction results in discovery/invention

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Losing respect

One loses respect only when he/she could not fulfill the promised promises

One loses respect when he/she is in a position to help, but still does not help

One loses respect when there is a mismatch between his/her position and talent/knowledge

One loses respect when he/she changes his/her mind and decision every now and then

One loses respect when he/she takes others for granted without giving due respect to his/her feelings

One loses respect only when one does not put his/her own mind to make an interpretation of the situation and makes a justifiable decision

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Painful experiences to Greater reforms

In real life, one must experience the pain to make greater reforms, as borrowed
experiences do not give you the full picture

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Truth versus Untruth

Truth will not lose for long

Untruth will not last/win for long

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Your hypothesis reveals your quality of thinking

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Appreciating a Talent

If you cannot recognize and appreciate an obvious talent in an individual, then it
only reflects how bad (or, narrow minded) you are. And, it neither spoils nor belittles the reputation of the talented individual

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


To err is human, to forgive is human

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



God is with nobody but with truth

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Happiness embraces those who aspire to do good things both inwardly and outwardly

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Deliberately taking away one’s happiness/peace is inhuman

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Noble heart

A rich man with a Noble heart/mind is a boon to the human kind

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Punishment before proving one’s accusation is inhuman~

Dr L. Boominathan Ph.D.

One may punish/kill a person at his/her will, but one can not save a person at his/her will~Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Intelligent is the one who choose to support the righteous in the times of struggle, as he knows it would help him in the long run

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


An ABCD…of Education

Education empowers one with articulation,admirability, amiability, appreciativeness, affability, authority, authenticity

Education empowers one with brilliance, braveness

Education empowers one with cognition,curiosity, courtesy, cleanliness,confidence, cleverness, contentness, clarity, compassion

Education empowers one with determination, diligence and the ability to

make the right decision

Education empowers one with elegance, eloquence, excellence, equality,
even mindedness, employability

Education empowers one with fame, fruitfulness, fulfilment, futuristic thinking

Education empowers one with global mindset, graciousness, gentlemenliness, generosity, gratefulness, genuineness

Education empowers one with happiness,humility, healthiness
hopefulness, honesty,

Education empowers one with integrity, imagination, inquisitiveness, intelligence, innovativeness

Education empowers one with job,joviality,joyfulness

Education empowers one with knowledge, keenness, kindness

Education empowers one with logic, lovability, loyalty, legality, legitimacy

Education empowers one with magnanimity, meekness, morality

Education empowers one with nobility, novelty, neutrality, noble thoughts

Education empowers one with open-mindedness,optimism

Education empowers one with patience,peace,punctuality, purposefulness, positivity, popularity

Education empowers one with quest for wisdom

Education empowers one with respectability, reverence,rationality, resourcefulness

Education empowers one with skills, sagacity, simplicity, serenity

Education empowers one with thinkability,trustworthiness, thoughtfulness, thankfulness

Education empowers one with understanding, unbiasedness

Education empowers one with vision, versatility, victoriousness

Education empowers one with wisdom,wiseness, winnability

Education empowers one with Xenial spirit

Education empowers one with youthful creativity

Education empowers one with innovative/self-less thinking that takes him/her
to the Zenith of fame

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Published on 15/September/2013

Dr Boominathan’s quotes on Life


The first step to become reasonably intelligent is to accept that you are the most stupid person on this Earth

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Intelligent’s imagination is limited by logic, reasoning, and evidence, while fool’s imagination is not

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Published on 2/October/2013

Creators of violence

It is the ineffective laws which do not protect the rights of common men create violence. Now, who is responsible for creating violence? It is the people who do not make effective laws to protect the rights of common men create violence.

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Illiteracy, Inadequate rules and Injustice

Illiteracy, Inadequate rules— and regulations to protect the rights/interests
of the poor/oppressed –and the Injustice are the prime sources of crime

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


The symbol of Mahatma

The symbol of Peace

The symbol of Non-violence

The symbol of Truth and Honesty

The symbol of Simplicity

The symbol of Tranquility

The symbol of Selflessness

The symbol of Courage

The symbol of Mahatma

Mahatma Gandhi

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

On Politics

Good politicians look at the world through their reforming eyes

Dr L Boominathan PhD


On Selfless Politics

If one looks at his/her own town/country as his/her own house, he/she knows what reforms to make

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

If Politics is a Public Service, not a Personal gain, then why would one go mad about his/her success in Politics?

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

One rarely finds a man/woman in Politics who desires a selfless change

Dr L Boominathan PhD


Political fanaticism

Political madness blinds one’s eyes from seeing an array of injustices

Dr L Boominathan PhD


Where the holes are in our system?

Problems that you face as a common man in a day to day life help you realize where the holes are in our system. It is illogical to expect a “problem free mind” to think of a problem effectively and come up a “practical solution.”(to solve the “existing problem”)

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Timely versus delayed decisions

All delayed decisions are not wise decisions

All wise decisions are not delayed decisions

Dr L Boominathan PhD


Going against or in favour

In life, we choose to support one (justice) or go against another (injustice), depending on the decision we make we will be known in the world history

 Dr L Boominathan PhD


A good Government/governance replaces GOD 

A good Government/governance replaces the necessities of GOD or the GOD of Justice

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


A gentle man tries to clarify his doubts/suspicions without hurting one’s feelings once

A probing individual/law enforcing agent tries to clarify his doubt/ suspicions a few times

A sceptic tries to clarify his doubts/ suspicions several times

An insane tries to clarify his doubts/suspicions hundred times

A psychopath tries to clarify his doubts thousand times, but still not satisfied

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D


Opportunities are created in the ideal/friendly environment, not in the hostile/suspicious environment

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Decision making

Lack of in-depth knowledge makes you a poor decision maker

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Confused and Stressed Mind

Neither confused mind nor stressed mind will make a good decision in a reasonable frame of time

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Irresponsible or unaccountable power

Irresponsible or unaccountable power associated with one’s position leads to arrogance and impudence

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Accountability of one’s action

In the ideal world, every action of one’s must/should be accountable by the law

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Mistake becomes a pardonable mistake if one accepts the mistake as a mistake

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Most of us make mistakes in judgment once in a while, but very few of us have the courage to accept the mistake as a mistake

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Let mistake not be a response to a mistake

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


A good humanitarian is the one who does not seek his/her enemies’s death sentence

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


You do not win the hearts of people by posing problems but by solving problems

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Issues of no importance

Giving undo importance to underserved issues will result in aversion

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Issues of no importance will become issues of importance when one is biased

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Everybody knows that nobody becomes somebody without anybody

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


It may be difficult to make human beings immortal, but one can become one through

his/her noble thoughts

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


The internet has brought equality in the information exchange world

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


To convince an intelligent you just need to highlight the problem

To convince a fool you need to move the mountain!

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


An act without responsibility is cheating

A comment without responsibility is cheating

A loss without compensation is cheating

An organizational position without responsibility is cheating

An invasion of privacy without responsibility is cheating

A punishment without responsibility is cheating 

An accusation without interrogation is cheating

An inaction against a complaint is cheating

Dilution of responsibility is cheating

A knowledge gained from a source without acknowledgement is cheating

Denying credit for the deserved ones is cheating

A judgement without trial is cheating

A right force in the wrong place is cheating

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Is Power Poison or Boon?

Power can be Boon, if used appropriately

 Power can

be poison, if used inappropriately

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Principle & Philosophy

Principled and Philosophical mind rarely falters

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


A man who is enriched with philosophical thoughts rarely gets disappointed

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

 Published on 2/October/2013



Released on 14/November/2013

Education to integrity/trust

Those who have moved forward in their lives based on (or with the help of) Education have immense respect and trust for educated people, while others do not.

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Education as a Vaccine

Education functions as a good vaccine that helps you to get rid of evil thoughts from your mind

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


On university research

A university can never make a name for itself in the International arena without a strong research component

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Teaching versus Research

In teaching you share existing knowledge, while in research you discover new knowledge

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Unequal principle

If you work on an unequal principle in a democratic country/set-up, then you will lose your name, fame, respect and dignity

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Criteria for Political Success

Let the affordability and affluence not be the criteria for one to succeed in Politics

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Going against or in favor

In life, we choose to support one (justice) or go against another (injustice), depending on the decision we make we will be known in the world history

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



No injustice will leave you without a consequence in the democratic world

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



The more you exploit

The more you will lose

It may not be apparent or evident today, 

but it will one day

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Fighting against/for Justice

The more you fight against justice, the more you will lose your name, fame, respect and dignity

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Failure to sense justice

Lack of in-depth knowledge fails one to sense what is right or wrong

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Destruction of Power

What destroies one in power are his/her ego, selfishness, impudence, and arrogance

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Taking away one’s happiness deliberately without any judicial justification is the worst sin/mistake one could commit

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Justice to Injustice

Justice promotes justice

Injustice promotes injustice

Justice to Injustice promotes peace

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Poor man’s justice

Poor man’s justice gets delayed, denied, and demolished (if not forgotten)

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


If you are led by the righteousness, you will be the winner

If you are led by the ego, power and impudence, you will be the loser

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Heroes versus anti-heroes/pseudo-heroes

In life, there are heroes and there are anti-heroes. Heroes are the one who assume responsibility for their action and justify their act in the court of law.  Anti-heroes are the one who find loop holes in the system/rules and regulations without assuming any responsibility of their action.


Loving versus arrogant attitude

By being a loving person, you can turn your foes into friends

By being an arrogant person, you can turn your friends into foes

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Present versus the future

The present may not reveal the truth, while the future invariably does

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



The wise men will not let the women’s beauty to blind his eyes

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Purity in Mind/Action

When purity in mind merges with purity in action, then a nobel mind emerges

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


 Lost Souls rest in peace

Let the dead souls rest in peace, not become troubling souls to the living souls

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Released on 14/November/2013


Quotes published on the eve of Mahatma Gandhi’s 66th death anniversary-30.01.2014) 

Violence versus Ahimsa

In violence, you make others suffer to let them realize your needs 

In ahimsa or non-violence, you suffer to let them realize your needs 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


India not freed yet

India has freed from foreign rule, but it is yet to be freed from bad/unscrupulous politicians & law enforcing agents

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Under-privileged citizens

The poor and the powerless are the under-privileged citizens of a country

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D


Problem free life

The best way to lead a problem free life is, not to be a problematic person to someone else’s life

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Cause of worry

Great human beings can never be a cause of some one’s worry, sufferings, metal agony and anger

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


                                                                         Great people versus Good people versus Bad people

Great people rarely, if ever, make a mistake 

Good people may make mistake once in a while, but they never repeat the mistake and they learn a lesson from their mistake 

Bad people make mistakes often and they repeat the mistakes again and again and they never learn a lesson from them 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Regretting for the mistake

Committing an error is a bad thing, but what makes it worse is that not regretting for the same

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


From ignoring the problems of the public to the misuse of power

If you misuse the power by: a) giving too much importance to yourself; and b) ignoring the problems of the public, then you will never come back to power. This is the lesson that every politician should take and remember. 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Giving too much importance to yourself and a too little importance to the public issues is not a policy that a good politician will be married to

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Ignoring a complaint 

In a good democratic country, a simple petition/complaint should work as good as a procession, stampede, fasting, bandh, stone pelting and so on. Unfortunately, our politicians are accustomed to the habit of responding and taking action only when you bother their administration by conducting procession, stampede, fasting, bandh, and so on 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


 Scientist, Physician, Humanitarian, Lawyer,& Justice

Scientist:  Invent medicine to cure disease for all; disease for none     

Physician:  Medicine for all; Suffering for none

Humanitarian: Love for all; Hatred for none   

Lawyer: Justice for all; injustice for none

Justice: Justice for all; Injustice/Impartiality for none   

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Political bias blinds justice

Justice is the loser when law enforcing agents get married to one political party or the other

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Contesting in Elections: Smart versus Smart-less

Smart/right people seem to be busy debating on television, writing books, and writing articles in News papers & Journals, while smart-less people seem to be contesting the elections

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Politician as an actor

An actor can be a politician, while a politician cannot be an actor

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Smart versus Right

Being smart helps you to succeed in short-term, while being right helps you to succeed in long-term. The decision as to whether you want to be smart or right will depend on whether you want to be successful in short-term or long-term. 


Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Genuine doubters versus fake doubters

Genuine doubters will not hesitate to interrogate, while fake doubters will

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Differential standards in Education based on economical status

Rich idiot sends his/her children to good/English medium schools, while poor intelligent sends his/her school to mediocre schools. 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


                                                                                                              Consequences of ignoring a mistake

When you ignore a mistake or a wrong doing, then you aid the mistake or wrong doing (either directly or indirectly) to get multiplied 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


  Doing Good versus doing bad 

If you have to do something good, then do it today 

If you have to do something bad, then do it tomorrow

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Undesirable word in Democracy  

Arrogance is the least desirable word in democracy 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D. 


                                                                                                  Humble servants of the public

Law enforcing agents need to be regulated with appropriate rules and regulations so that they become humble servants of the public

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.    


                                                                                                           Lack of humanity

The army personnel and the law enforcing agents suffer from a disease called “lack of humanity” 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D 


                                                                                          Unscrupulous devotion to Political class


It is the law enforcing agents and the army personnel’s unscrupulous devotion to politicians/political class result in innumerable injustices

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Punishment is not the prerogative of the law enforcing agents, but it is the prerogative of the judge who makes a decision after hearing both the sides 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Good Health

Good Health is a continuum, cannot be achieved in a day or two

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


 Who runs the country? 

Good Politicians run the country themselves, not let the intelligent agencies to do it 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Capabilities of judiciary versus the probing agencies

An imbalance between the capabilities of judiciary and the probing agencies results in an enormous amount of injustice

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



One’s views can be mild, moderate or more than moderate, depending upon one’s life experiences

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Provocative statements

One would rarely get provoked by a statement if he/she honestly believes that he/she is an exception to the statement made

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Unjustified punishment

Those who invoke unjustified punishment are the first line criminals

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Committing a mistake: Rich/poor class versus powerful/powerless class

An unfortunate truth of the matter is that it is for the poorer and the powerless class to prove beyond one’s doubt, but it is not so for the richer and the powerful class.  Paradoxically, the chances of committing a mistake and escaping from the mistake are much more associated with the richer and the powerful class than the poorer and the powerless class 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



Self-centered man/Self-fish’s doubts last till nature takes care of him/her 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Sending Politicians and Law enforcing agents to a Good school of self-less thoughts

Some Politicians and Law enforcing agents are maddened with negative, pessimistic thoughts; and they think only bad people can make up right, honest, rational statements/policies. It is high time that they consider attending a good school of self-less thoughts

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Erudite’s societal contribution

If every highly educated person makes a societal contribution, then India would have found answers to most of her problems

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


From educational level to thinking capacity

One’s action is limited by his/her thinking capability/capacity; 

one’s thinking capability/capacity is limited by his/her educational level;

and I am not saying this, but the science is

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Published on 30/January/2014


 Political Revolution

Good politicians revolutionize politics not in words, but in action

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D


Educational revolution in Politics: Good Mind versus Educated/talented/noble mind

Good uneducated minds can only approve projects if it comes on their way, while highly educated/talented/noble minds can come up with good projects on their own to solve problems of public concern. There is a fundamental difference between these two minds that every one should realize and understand

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D


Progressive path

Empower the highly educated

Empower the  highly  talented

Empower the  highly knowledged

If you do, then

India will be on a



Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D


Power to Knowledge

If knowledge is power, then power must with rest with Knowledge/knowledged individuals

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D


Power without Principle,

Principle without Philosophy,

Philosophy without Philanthropy,

Philanthropy without Promise,

Promise without Purity,

has no use

to the human kind

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D




One’s high intelligence has no values if it does not help him/her to identify the right ones from the wrong ones and to protect the rights of the right ones

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Intelligents doubt will get cleared soon, while Idiots doubt will never get cleared

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Intelligents will find answers for their doubts, while idiots will never find answers for their doubts

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Intelligent people are pragmatic in their approach and they do not believe in any thing that they do not see

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Intelligent is the one who makes sure that his read out is fool-proof before he starts drawing conclusion(s) from it

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Intelligent is the one who will not waste his time on things that do not have any relevance in reality

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Intelligent is the one who will either prove his point in a reasonable frame of time or give up his accusation

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


When Idiots are given an opportunity to Interpret, then Innocents suffer

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Idiots do not need enemies, but they create one for themselves through their idiotic interpreters

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

A fool is the one who knows how to start, but does not know how to stop; and when to stop without losing his/her reputation

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Idiot is the one who will neither prove his point in a reasonable frame of time nor give up his accusation

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Idiot is the one who neither changes his mind nor his approach, but intelligent is the one who changes/revises his approach and mind constantly with reasoning

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Many times, we’re losers, not because we are wrong or bad, but because we lack the courage, the determination, and the will power to overcome the difficulties/problems

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Lack of determination and will power in the right direction is the sole reason for the most of the failures

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Rational people do not introduce errors, but they identify ones 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

“A rational man will never assume and act.  He will never make a decision based on assumptions.  He will sort out the issues without much delay.  He will never let anyone suffer based on one’s assumptions for years, as he knows that he will not be able to justify–the damages one has done– when one’s assumptions turn out to be incorrect”

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

It is difficult for many wrong minds to understand the right minds of a very few good people

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


You tell me who your advisor is, and then I will tell you who you are

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

You are what your advisor is

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Neither Philosophical thoughts nor modesty has any role in a materialistic world

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D. 


By and large, we live in the world of misinterpretors

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Successes and Problems

Great people do not guarantee Success, but they let you visualize it

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Every problem has a solution if you think hard enough

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Rich and Poor


You do not impress the world by being rich, but by being a good human being

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Poor man’s necessity is Rich man’s ridicule

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Good mind versus bad mind

Associating every good thing with a bad thing is clever men’s tack ticks 

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


One’s sacrifice has no meaning to the world if it is not for the rightful cause

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.


Seeing is believing but proving is convincing

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Who you are

You are the result and the outcome of the environment, and the life experiences you have been exposed to

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Forgiving Versus Punishing


By punishing, you look mediocre

By forgiving, you look–like a gentle solegreat

By punishing, you look ordinary

By forgiving, you look extraordinary

By punishing, you earn a foe

By forgiving, you earn a friend

By punishing, you lose a friend

By forgiving, you gain a friend

By punishing, you become mortal

By forgiving, you become immortal

By punishing, you restore your worries

By forgiving, you forget your worries

By punishing, you get a temporary relief

By forgiving, you get a permanent relief 


Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.

Judging others 

Scientists/researchers are judged based on their ideas, & invention/discovery

Physicians are judged based on their ability to treat patients

Engineers are judged based on their analytical skills

Teachers are judged based on their ability to teach

Professors are judged based on their ability to train students for advanced research

Administrators are judged based on their organizational and managerial skills

Politicians are judged based on their reforms, policies, & self-less public service

Humanitarians are judged based on their ability to protect the rights of individuals

Law enforcing agents are judged based on their investigating skills

Advocates are judged based on their ability to argue a case convincingly

Judges are judged based on their ability to pass judgements impartially


Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.




Aspire to learn something new every day

Aspire to question every/any thing that has no scientific basis

Aspire to be a deep thinker, not a shallow thinker

Aspire to respect the educated,  knowledged, and talented 

Aspire to do what what you are capable of doing to the perfection

Aspire to take credit where you deserve

Aspire not to take credit where you do not deserve

Aspire to adore a person based on a good human nature

Aspire not to love a person based on religion, caste, creed, social status and the country of origin

Aspire to create a world of indifference

Aspire to transform the universe through self-less thoughts

Aspire to create a pollution-free world

Aspire to create a cracker-free world

Aspire to play a role in creating a crime-free world

Aspire to play a role in creating an exploitation-free world

Aspire to promote fair policies and laws, not unfair policies and biased laws

Aspire to promote equality and not inequality

Aspire to work on ethical problems, not on unethical problems

Aspire not to disrupt the peace of any one

Aspire to be a friend to every one and a foe to no one

Aspire not to exaggerate other’s shortcomings

Aspire to raise voice against injustice

Aspire not to fight against or fight in favor of injustice

Aspire to respect good human beings

Aspire to be a peacekeeper, not a peace disruptor

Aspire not to divide the nation based on religion/caste/language/your favorites

Aspire not to exploit one’s honesty

Aspire not to exploit one’s innocence

Aspire not to exploit one’s ignorance

Aspire not to exploit the poor

Aspire not to exploit true friendships

Aspire not to exploit true relationships

Aspire not to exploit one’s trust

Aspire not to exploit one’s faith 

Aspire not to exploit the poor with false hopes and promises

Aspire not to take away the happiness from any one

Aspire not to waste your time, or others time

Aspire to make decisions that will make you proud of yourself in the next five years, ten years and so on

Aspire not to look for short-term happiness, but long-term happiness

Aspire not to lose your hard earned character to anger

Aspire to address the problem at the grass root level

Aspire not to live with the problem, but get rid of the problem

Aspire to live on your merit

Aspire not to live on someone else’s mercy

Aspire to live on your strengths

Aspire not to live on your enemies’ weaknesses

Aspire to be one out of thousand

Aspire not to be one among thousand

Aspire to reach the top not for selfish reasons, but selfless reasons

Aspire not to remain at the top for selfish reasons, but selfless reasons

Aspire to help others if you can

Aspire to win through truth, not through trick

Aspire not to be a problem creator, but  a problem solver

Aspire to create a responsible management

Aspire to create a fair system of governance

Aspire to create a governance of Justice

Aspire to love every one and hate no one

Aspire not be a steel when the opposite sex is a magnet 

Aspire to be a Job creator/provider, not a job blocker

Aspire not to lament, but find affirmative solutions to your problems

 Aspire not to be an impediment to one’s progress

Aspire to be a better human being day by day

Aspire to posses the better qualities of a human being day by day

Aspire to lead a life in such a way that let the country you live in feel your absence more than your closed ones

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.



A Scientific Birthday wish to your friend


Wish & pray that your presence makes the entire universe happy

Wish & pray that you being a really, really a good human being which would make the entire universe happy

Wish & pray that you live hundred years of happiness

Wish & Pray that your life be filled with Joy, Peace, Humanity, & Good Health

Wish & Pray that your dream be fulfilled in whatever you aim for

Wish & Pray that this birthday brings Prosperity, lots of success, a break-through & fame to you

Wish you to have low Cortisol, as it increases stress

Wish that you listen to music, as it decreases Cortisol levels 

Wish you to have low Epinephrine, as it increases stress 

Wish you to have low Norepinephrine, as it increases stress 

Wish you to have high Endorphins, as it increases happiness

Wish you to practice yoga & pranamaya, as it decreases stress, increases heart function, memory and learning

Wish you to have optimum Oxytoxin, as it  increases trust & happiness

Wish you to have high Serotonin, as it increases happiness

Wish you to have high HDL, as it decreases the chances of  a heart disease

Wish you to have more Antioxidants, as it decreases (i)stress reactions; (ii) free radicals; and (iii) ageing

Wish you to practice Caloric restriction, as it increases longevity; and decreases ageing process

Wish you to have optimum BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate), as it increases the chances of disease free survival

Wish you to have optimum BMI (Body Mass Index)as it increases longevity

Wish you to have fruits enriched in Resveratrolas it increases longevity

Wish you to have abundant amount of antioxidantsas it decreases toxic free radicals, stress reactions, & ageing 

Wish you to be one among the many Super-centenarians

Wish that, with the advent of Scientific miracles,

We could reach one day the longevity of Quahog (400 years)/Urchin (200 years)

Wish  & Pray that your wishes will come true

Wish you a very Happy Birthday

Dr. L. Boominathan Ph.D.