What Scientists Saying

  • Dr Boominathan’s “reports are very reliable and he is a hard-worker and very devoted to his research”-Dr Varda Rotter, Ph.D., Professor & Head of the Dept, Dept of Molecular cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Dr Boominathan “read the relevant literature and frequently came up with his own ideas how to proceed with the work. He worked for long hours and was very devoted to his research”-Dr Joseph Sperling, Ph.D., Professor, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • “Dr Boominathan came to me highly recommended by Israeli and Singapore scientists and he did impress me… Booomi was very impressive in putting together the state-of-the-art review of HIF-1 studies.  He has proven to be very interested in Science, has a keen mind, and works long hours. He will be able to apply his considerable intellect to solve important problems ”-Dr Michail Sitkovsky, Ph.D., Professor & Director (a former Chief of Immunology Division, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases, National Institute of  Health (NIH), USA), Presidential scholar, Harvard Institute of Medicine, New England Inflammation & Tissue Protection Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, USA  
  • “I am familiar with your (Dr L Boominathan) nice work”  Dr WG. Kaelin Jr. MD, Professor, Dept of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Senior Physician, Medicine Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA
  • “I was impressed with his (Dr L Boominathan) knowledge and ideas in the field of p53, of RNA….”Dr/Prof Lea Eisenbach, Ph.D., Dept of Molecular cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Dr Boominathan “is a motivated, open minded, intelligent and a pleasant person. There is no doubt in my mind that Boominathan is an example of the kind of a young person to whom every possible help should be extended in order to help him develop into a mature scientist” (1999) -Dr Gideon Grafi, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • “I found him (Dr Boominathan) knowledgeable in his research field and his knowledge in the literature is up-to-date. He is capable of providing mechanistic insights into cancer signalling/pathways, presenting complicated schemes/models, and writing grant applications etc. It also provides ample evidence for the facts that he is already an established independent investigator. He appears to take multiple approaches to address the biological problems. For instance, he uses both bioinformatics approaches and network modelling to identify drug candidates. His research work is being recognized by his peers and he will have a chance to lead the chosen area of research in the near future”Associate Prof. D Kuppuswamy Ph.D., Associate Professor Medicine, Gazes Cardiac Research Institute, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
  • Dr Boominathan “demonstrates a firm grip of the p53 field and fathoms of the knowledge he has gained at the Weizmann” (Institute of Science). “Displays excellent knowledge or skills to execute current assignments”Prof/Dr Kanaga Sabapathy Ph.D., National Cancer Center, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • “During several discussions I had with Boomi (Dr Boominathan), I got the impression that he is highly motivated young scientist who is capable of innovative and independent thinking” Dr Elior Peles Ph.D., Professor, Dept of Molecular cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Dr Boomi designs his experiments in a meticulous manner and shows a high rate of professionalism in executing them independently. He is enthusiastic and puts in long hours of hard work with the determination to reach the target” Dr Friedman Ph.D., a consultant to the Weizmann institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
  • Dr Boominathan’s “keenness to understand concepts was evident in the various discussions I have had….was particularly impressed by his ideas and depth of questioning. ….he has the potential to become a top grade scientist…is a highly competent and would prove himself to be an asset” -Prof. S Jayachandran Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, Former Dean of School of Life Sciences, & HOD, Dept of Biotechnolgy, Pondicherry Central University, India
  • Dr Boomiathan “had the honor of topping the list in the all India entrance examination. I could observe his academic brilliance throughout his stay in JIPMER and I found him to be inquisitive and intelligent in nature. …….very few people like Dr Boominathan who has genuine urge to go for research” –Dr V Srinivasan MBBS, M.D, Director-Professor, Head of the Dept of Physiology, JIPMER (Pondicherry University), Puducherry, India.
  • “The knowledge he had acquired in theoretical & practical aspects makes him very suitable……. He is motivated, capable of independent thinking and diligent…has a good command over English” -Dr S Lakshmanan MBBS, M.S, Ph.D., Dept of Anatomy, JIPMER (Pondicherry University), Puducherry, India.
  • “impressed immensely by his (Dr Boominathan) intense spirit of inquiry, insatiable curiosity to learn new things, spark of intelligence…. believed that he would blossom into an acclaimed scientist… His keenness in gathering information by referring to many books, achieving mastery in academics and application of his knowledge with meticulous care are some of his special traits… His excellent performance in various competitive examinations speaks of his firm grip and fathom of knowledge in the subject…. these in-built pre-requisites… will enable him to develop into a researcher of renown” -V Kumaraswamy, Professor & Former HOD of Dept of Chemistry, Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for PG studies (Pondicherry University) & Tagore Arts college (Pondicherry University), Pondicherry, India.
  • “impressed with his depth of knowledge in his field of research. He has also acquired knowledge in other areas of biology and seems to have wide interest in various fields in life sciences. ..Critical and honest in the analysis of his results. Will certainly be an asset….. and contribute well with his original thinking…”Dr N Venkatesh,Ph.D (Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore), Senior Scientist, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; Harvard Medical School, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA