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Significance of the study:

Given that: (1)  15-30% of Western populations suffer from Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), while 6-25% of Asian populations suffer from it; (2) 75 to 100 million people in the US succumb to this disease; (3) obesity and type 2 diabetes are risk factor for the development of NAFLD;  and (4) the global economic cost spent for NAFLD is enormous, there is an urgent need to find: (i) a way to decrease cholesterol deposition in liver; (ii) a cheaper alternative to the existing expensive drugs; (iii) a side-effect-free natural product-based drug; and (iv) a way to cure, not just treat, NAFLD.

From Research findings to Therapeutic opportunity:

This study suggests a CD30-based therapy for NAFLD. Cluster of differentiation (CD-30), by increasing the expression of its target gene, it may suppress the expression of HMGCR (Fig.1). Thereby, it may: (1) decrease Triglycerides, free cholesterol and total cholesterol levels; (2) attenuate lipid deposition in liver; and (3) inhibit progression to NAFLD (Fig. 1). Thus, pharmacological formulations encompassing “CD-30 inducers, either alone or in combination with other drugs,” may be used to treat NAFLD.

Figure 2. CD-30 functions as a lipid-lowering agent through down regulation of HMGCR
Figure 1. Mechanistic insights into how  CD-30 decreases the expression of HMGCR

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Details of the research findings:

Idea Proposed/Formulated (with experimental evidence) by:

Dr L Boominathan Ph.D.

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Undisclosed mechanistic information: How does CD-30 decrease the expression of HMGCR to prevent progression of NAFLD?

Amount: $300#

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Web: http://genomediscovery.org or http://newbioideas.com

Citation: Boominathan, L., Molecular therapy for Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Cluster of differentiation (CD-30) promotes degradation of HMGCR, decreases the levels of triglycerides, free cholesterol, and total cholesterol and prevents the progression of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD via down regulation of its target gene, 19/June/2018, 10.29 pm, Genome-2-Bio-Medicine Discovery center (GBMD), http://genomediscovery.org

Courtesy: When you cite, drop us a line at info@genomediscovery.org

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